At the 2019 CEAC Conference in Monterey, California, our own Martha Estrella-Perez was awarded Outstanding EAC Coordinator.
Her commitment to aiding the employer community as well as her dedication to helping the board achieve their goals were no doubt contributing factors of the award. A wonderful accolade for both Martha and the entire WIEEAC Board of Directors.
From Wednesday, May 1, to Friday, May 3, Members of the WIEEAC Board of Directors attended the CEAC Annual Conference in Monterey, California. The theme of the event was, “Navigating Your Course” and included Keynote Presentations, Workshops, the CEAC Veterans Employer of the Year Luncheon, the CEAC Awards and Recognition Program, and much more.
A highlight of the event was when WIEEAC Board Member Martha Estrella-Perez was awarded this year’s Outstanding EAC Coordinator.
Continue reading below to find out more about the event.
Take a look at some more photos from the event:
Setting up for the Welcome Hospitality – “Meet the Crew – Bonfire on the Beach”
Welcome Hospitality – Social Networking
Beverly Bailey providing valuable input at the CEAC Conference
Acknowledgment – CEAC Veteran Employer of the Year Award
Acknowledgment – CEAC Veteran Employer of the Year Award
Acknowledgment – CEAC Veteran Employer of the Year Award
Enjoying the Veterans Luncheon. To the left of Beverly Bailey, Bruce Matlock Labor Law Attorney for CEAC Members Management Hotline
CEAC Award Nominees – Outstanding EAC Coordinator – David Sambrano, Gavilan EAC & Martha Perez, Inland Empire EAC
Patrick Henning, Director of the Employment Development Department (EDD) speaking at the CEAC Veterans Employer of the Year Award Luncheon
EAC Coordinator Workshop – Facilitators – Middle, Rick Macias Chief of Strategic Communications with the Employment Development Department (EDD) Public Affairs Branch – to the left of Rick – Tina Gutierrez and Kelsey Howard, marketing analyst within the public branch, to the right of Rick – EAC Coordinators – Martha Perez, Sylvia Angel, and Lynn Mawhorter
Front view of the Monterey Tide Hotel
Martha and Annette enjoying the view – last day of the CEAC Conference
CEAC Annual Conference May 2019 – “Navigating Your Course”
Welcome Hospitality – “Meet the Crew – Bonfire on the Beach”
Pre- conference event hosted by Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo (AALRR). This allowed for some networking and camaraderie before the conference began.
Welcome and Opening Remarks from John Bottari, CEAC President
Keynote Presentation: – “Message in a Bottle: Avoid Unconscious Bias” – James W. Potts, JD, CEO, Potts & Associates, LLC
James W. Potts is a 35 year HR professional, Juris Doctorate, expert witness, LA Talk readio host, author, former Master Teacher and Reserve Captain with the Sheriff’s Department. He fights on behalf of employers in front of the EEOC, DFEH, DLSE, DOL, EDD, and other agencies. Mr. Potts has a B.A. in history and earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of West Los Angeles Law School. He is a certified mediator and expert witness specializing in employment law and workplace rights.
Workshop Sessions – A total of 6 workshop sessions offered and 1 all day EAC Coordinator workshop.
Chart Your Way to Compliance: 1-9 Updates & E-Verify Rules & Regulations – John Ordunez,U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Calm Water Awaits: Understand the Intersection of Leave Laws: – Amber Solano, AALRR
For EDD Staff Only: EAC Coordinator Workshop: – Rick Macias, EDD/CEAC State Coordinator
CEAC Veterans Employer of the Year Luncheon
The California Employer Advisory Council (CEAC) Veterans Employer of the Year Awards recognizes employers who consistently demonstrate positive policies toward U.S. Veterans in hiring and promotion, as well as through employee retention efforts, ongoing training, and benefits.
All Hands on Deck: Addressing Inequities in the Workplace – Paul Fleck, AALRR
Neptune’s Solution: Conflict Resolution – Carol Marzouk, Leadership N Soul
For EDD Staff Only: EAC Coordinator Workshop – Rick Macias, EDD/CEAC State Coordinator
Calling all Buccaneers: Common, but Sticky Workplace Scenarios with Real Life Solutions – William M. Betley, AALRR
Get Out of the Doldrums: Set Sail Toward Successful HR Audits – James W. Potts, JD CEO. Potts & Associates
For EDD Staff Only: EAC Coordinator Workshop, Rick Macias, EDD/CEAC State Coordinator
Closing Session – Employment Law Update: Captain your Organization to Success: William M. Betley, AALRR
There have been several changes over the past year that you need to be aware of and understand. Hear about lessons learned from 2018 and employment compliance trends for 2019. Topics that will be highlighted include such topical trends as the compensation crisis, discrimination, new legislation and case law with practical applications to avoid potential penalties and employer liability in the coming year.
CEAC Awards and Recognition Program – (during Thursday dinner)
The CEAC will recognize those nominees who were selected to receive recognition for Distinguished Service, Outstanding EAC Chair, Outstanding EAC Coordinator, Outstanding EAC, and Outstanding Veterans Committee. All nominees have made California and their community a better place as a result of their leadership, dedication, and hard work.
Thursday will conclude with dinner and raffle
Regional Meeting Breakout Sessions
CEAC Business Meeting
The annual CEAC business meeting provides attendees with the opportunity to meet and interact with the CEAC Executive Board.
This session will be presented by the CEAC President and the Executive Board.